Sunday 3 June 2012

Mommy Break Needed

Are they not adorable? Here they are on Easter weekend posing for a picture before they ran off in search of Easter Eggs. I love each of them to death. My two on the right and my sisters two on the left. However after this weekend I am defiantly paying respects to all the mothers out there with more than 2. My husband, brother-in-law and father headed out for their annual spring fishing trip. My mother who has a brother in Northbay decided to hitch a ride up to visit while they were at the cottage, thus leaving my sister who works afternoons with no babysitter for the weekend. Now, I think it is great that my mother got to go visit with her brother she does not get the opportunity very often and should not feel obligated to stay just to babysit. My sister had tons of time to prepare for the weekend and she had it all arranged that I would babysit her children Friday night and her father-in-law would babysit on Saturday overnight until Sunday when the men would be returning. It was not he first time my niece has had a sleep over. In fact, I love it when she comes as she entertains my children and I love to spend time with her. I was also looking forward to having my nephew who is 19 months old for the first time. We had a great night, we made homemade pizza's, watched a movie with popcorn, and all 4 kids went to bed like dreams. When my nephew woke at 1am I was not surprised as he was in a strange place. He ended up curled up in my bed for the rest of the night. I love my niece and nephew and I truly did enjoy their company, but it was exhausting. By 10am Saturday when my sister came I was ready for a nap before I would tackle the clean-up.  It was a good plan until my sisters father-in-law cancelled leaving me to babysit again on Saturday. My sister agreed to pick up her children after her shift at 11pm. Not exactly fair to the kids but so much easier for me. She would return them to me Sunday afternoon before her shift.  I spent most of the weekend following around my nephew to keep him out of trouble. In between that I picked up endless toys, prepared meals and refereed small spats. I suppose I do this all the time it was just ten times more work with 4 children and no husband to help. I can honestly say that for as much as I love all these children Mommy needs a much needed Mommy Break!

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